Thème : Des oeuvres d’art marquantes dans l’histoire (Etats-Unis, monde anglophone)
Axe : Art et Pouvoir
Problématique : To what extent could art help people overcome periods of crisis in the English-speaking world ?
Niveau visé : B2
AL dominantes : Expression Orale en Continu (EOC) et Interaction Orale (IO)
AL secondaires : Compréhension de l’Oral (CO)
Tâche finale : EOC / You participate to a virtual exhibition showing emblematic works of art that were produced after a period of crisis in the USA. Record the guided tour (for a specific audience, for example children, teenagers, historians, art critics, families, art students, …)
Tâche intermédiaire : IO / Discuss and select the works of art that will be exhibited.