Actualité oblige, Audio Lingua propose des enregistrements authentiques autour du thème du Brexit.
Pour les trouver, choisissez votre langue, puis tapez « Brexit » dans le moteur de recherche.
En voici une sélection, classée par niveaux du CECRL :
Niveau A2
– Mary : what is the Brexit ?
Mary explains what the Brexit is.
Niveau B1
– Mary : my opinion on the Brexit
Mary explains why she hasn’t voted for the Brexit and gives her opinion on the results of the referendum.
– Mary : arguments for and against the Brexit
Mary lists the arguments that were put forward by people in favour and people against the Brexit.
– Mary : a friend of mine in the UK voted to leave
Mary talks about a friend of hers who voted to leave the UK in the Brexit referendum.
– Mary : Brexit and the question of Scotland
Mary has lived a long time in Scotland and talks about how that part of UK is affected by the Brexit.
– Mary - Labour and conservative leaderships in the UK
Mary talks about the way the leaders of each parties in the UK campaigned to stay in the Euro whereas the rebels joined to campaign to leave the Euro in the Brexit referendum.
– Mary - can the Queen be considered as influential in the UK ?
We asked Mary what Queen Elisabeth’s opinion was on the Brexit. She told us about the Queen’s influence in the UK.
– Mary : the House of Commons and the House of Lords
Mary explains the difference between the 2 houses of the British Parliament. She also explains how the House of Commons might be affected by the Brexit.
– Mary : the Commonwealth still exists
Mary briefly explains what the Commonwealth is today.
– Mary : the British National Health Service
Mary talks about the appaling state of the NHS which was part of the debate over Brexit.
– Ruth : my reaction to the Brexit
Ruth gives her opinion on the Brexit, as a British citizen living in France.
Niveau B2
– Mary : Brexit, what’s next ?
There are lots of different stories about what is goin to happen next.
– Mary : EU regulations
Mary gives examples of the severe way the UK implemented EU regulations, as part of the conversation we had on the Brexit.
Bonne rentrée à tous !