Actualité royale oblige, Audio Lingua propose des enregistrements authentiques autour du thème Royal Family et Royal Baby. Pour les trouver, choisissez votre langue, puis tapez « royal » dans le moteur de recherche.
En voici une sélection, classée par niveaux du CECRL :
Niveau A2
– Mary : on the day of the Royal Wedding
Mary is not going to watch William and Kate’s wedding on TV for several reasons. She thinks Kate is very similar to William’s mum, Diana.
– Candice : on the day of the Royal Wedding
Candice will stay at home and watch the wedding on TV with her 2 daughters.
– Jenny : how I am going to celebrate the Royal wedding
Jenny has been planning her own celebration of the Royal wedding : tea cakes, serviettes, wedding mugs, etc.
– Jenny : everyone is getting ready for the Royal wedding !
Jenny is very excited about Prince William and Kate’s wedding but she is also concerned about all the fuss that is going on around this event.
– Mary : the Royal Family family tree
Mary details the members of the British Royal Family and their family ties.
– Candice : my opinion about the royal family
Candice is Welsh and explains the special relationship that exists between Wales and the royal family. She also talks about the role of the Queen in Great Britain.
Niveau B1
– Jenny : the Royal Baby
Jenny talks about the birth of William and Kate’s son and explains why he couldn’t have been called Charles or Edward for example.
– Jenny : What if the royal baby would have been a girl...
Jenny would have liked to see the new law concerning royalty in action.
– Jenny : my opinion on Kate Middleton
Jenny gives her opinion on Kate Middleton and the way she became part of the Royal Family.
– Ina : the Royal Baby and the Maltese press
Ina explains how the Maltese and the Maltese press in particular reacted to the birth of the future king, as Malta is still part of the Commonwealth.
– Jenny : William and Kate are going to have a baby
Jenny explains the reasons why she is happy about the future king to expect a baby. She also talks about the law that the government would like to change concerning the British Royal Family.
– Lauren : The Royal wedding
Lauren gives his opinion about the coming royal wedding.
– Sam : Royalty in the UK
Royalty is still important in the United Kingdom. Here is why.
– Mary : antimonarchism in Great Britain
Mary talks about the way antimonarchists feel about the Royal wedding and the Royal Family as a whole.
– Jenny : the press and the Royal Family (1/2)
JJenny remembers how the tabloid press used to interact with Lady Diana’s life.
– Jenny : the press and the Royal family (2/2)
Jenny thinks the tabloid press is often condescending to Kate and focuses too much on minor details of her life.
– Mary : the Royal Family and the scandal press
Mary talks about the celebrity status of the Royal Family, among others. The paparazzi love it !
– Mary : the Royal Family love affairs and the media
Mary talks about the celebrity status of the Royal Family, among others. The paparazzi love it !
Bonne rentrée (royale !) à tous !