Audio Lingua propose des enregistrements authentiques autour de la fête d’Halloween. Pour les trouver, choisissez votre langue, puis tapez « Halloween » dans le moteur de recherche.
En voici une sélection, classée par niveaux du CECRL :
Fichiers de niveau A2
– Jo : I like Halloween
Jo explains why she likes celebrating Halloween.
– Frank : how kids celebrate Halloween in the US
Frank explains how American kids celebrate Halloween.
– Cortney : the whole tradition of Halloween
Cortney talks about the way younger children celebrate Halloween in the US.
– Blaine : I like Halloween
Blaine explains why Halloween is his favourite holiday.
– Molly : trick or treating is fun !
Molly talks about what people usually do on Halloween night in the US.
– Morgan : let’s get dressed up for Halloween !
Halloween is a fun time to spend with friends, trick or treating in random streets.
– Leslie : Halloween is my favourite holiday
Leslie explains what young people usually do on Halloween day.
Fichiers de niveau B1
– Declan : Halloween
Hallowe’en in Ireland.
– Ashley : teenagers don’t celebrate Halloween as younger kids do
Ashley talks about the way kids and students celebrate Halloween in the US : picking a costume, trick-or-treating, partying and playing scary games.
– Jason : Halloween and its traditions
Jason speaks about the celebration of Halloween and its traditions : trick or treating, pumpkin carving, dressing up...
– Paul : Halloween in the US
Paul tells us what Halloween is and how kids celebrate it : costumes, carving a pumpkin and trick or treating.
– Kerrin : Trick or treating - Halloween in Scotland
Kerrin, a Scottish girl, tells us everything about the tradition of trick or treating for Halloween.
– Kerrin : Apple bobbing - Halloween in Scotland
Kerrin, a Scottish girl, tells us evertything about the game of apple bobbing and its variations for Halloween.